
Post 8

 My experience in this English course has been really good, of all the English courses I have taken to get to this one, this has been the best. I leave with a good feeling and I think that Miss Rosa has a lot to do with it, she is a great teacher and has a sweet charisma that I like.  The blog is a fun activity to do, to me it gives me the feeling of writing a diary of life, because deep down you expose part of what you are and what you think. Now, in relation to the language, blogging helps a lot to develop writing in English, to know how to use words and conjugate them, it is practical and very helpful if you do it well. Personally I like English a lot, but we are not very friendly, it is probably not a skill that I have very developed because it costs me a little. It has always been difficult for me to learn the language, however it is one of the challenges that I intend to overcome, I am motivated by the idea of learning languages and in any way I can, maybe an internship in anothe

Post 7

 When I started studying Journalism I thought it would be much more interactive, however my first year was very theoretical, because you have to have the contents well developed before going to practice, but many times I doubted if this career was really the one I liked. From the second year everything improved, the courses were more dynamic. The academic load has varied a lot since I entered the career, at the beginning it was very heavy, but with the online modality everything was reduced and decreased a lot. The academic load has always been a problem, due to the mental health problems that develop, when we return to the face-to-face modality the academic load will have to adjust again and improve considerably. The facilities of the faculty aesthetically are not to my taste, but they are functional, which is what is important. There are very good technological tools to develop as a student, although sometimes they are not enough for everyone. I think the faculty is well equipped

Post 6

 Thinking about the future is something I don't do very often, because it causes me some anxiety. Although I can't deny that knowing about how I'll be living in another 20 or 30 years fills me with curiosity.  While I don't like to think about my future, I always try to decree how I envision myself in a few more years or how I plan for the future. But if I start imagining about the future, I think I would like to travel to space, something back and forth, I would not stay over there. I think NASA will probably have reached space by then. It sounds fanciful but you never know.   Now, if I make a trip to the future I hope that humanity has been able to solve the environmental crisis, and that there is no technological dependence as there is today, that people can live in a more ecological way and with a greater attachment to reality. 

Post 5

 My ideal job is related to what I am currently studying which is Journalism, I love my career and the multiple areas that there are to develop. My ideal job would be related to sports journalism, maybe to be part of a sports press team or to be communicating in some sporting event. If I get to be inserted in that place I hope to feel happy and comfortable, otherwise it would not be my ideal job.  I am clear that I would not like to spend hours sitting in an office , first because I am hyperactive and I love to get out and move around. I think that working in a wide space is the best, being in contact with the world around you is something enriching, for the same reason I would love to travel a lot, and be in sporting events around the world (it is a big dream hahaha).

Post 4

 I don't watch much TV, but when I have free time and want to watch something on TV, I watch Discovery Home and Health, that's my favorite cable channel. All the shows on it are very entertaining and different. My favorites are the ones related to home and cooking.  “Vender para comprar” is my favorite, this show is a reality show where two brothers from Canada help people renovate their homes and then sell them to buy a new one. The most striking thing about this show is the transformation process that the houses go through. I can always learn something new. Also, the houses that appear in the program are really beautiful. Another program I like is the “Renovadoras”, which has the same style as the previous program, where a mother and daughter buy houses to renovate them and then sell them. They put together an impressive display in the transformation and I love all the creativity they have. Finally, there is Cake Boss, this is also a reality show, where the pastry chef Buddy

Post 3

 There are many people I would love to meet, famous people that at some point I have admired a lot. The important question is, who would I like to meet? I thought about it a lot, and making one or another discard, I concluded that I would like to meet Isabel Allende, but not just hello and goodbye, but rather to have some experience where I can spend some time with her, I would certainly have a huge list of things to ask her. Well, for those who don't know her, which is unlikely, Isabel Allende is a Chilean feminist writer, winner of the National Prize for Literature in Chile in 2010.  She has written books recognized worldwide such as:The House of the Spirits; El Zorro, the legend begins; Paula, etc.  I would love to meet her personality, look at her and find in her the talent to write so many great things. I would also ask her about some of her books and characters, because I honestly think they are fantastic. A woman like her has so many things to tell, she is full of enriching

Post 2

 I love the music, it is my best companion in day a day, for all well or bad is the music. I don't have a favorite song personally, I have very varied musical tastes, it also depends on the songs that are in style. However, there are songs that awaken my soul and transport me; my favorites are the boleros, of those old boleros, those boleros that Luis Miguel once again brought to life, those boleros remind me of my childhood living with my grandparents. Every time that I listen to those songs I remember my grandfather playing the guitar and singing while my grandmother was cooking. My favorite boleros are the Armando Manzanero's and Lucho Gatica's, but I love the way Luis Miguel sings every piece, his interpretation is amazing, these songs have lived in my mind since that I am five years old, it listening to them is my best therapy and a of the best sensation of the life. Boleros are the best gift my grandparents could have given me.